
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

framed cork board

I saw THIS project on one of my fav blogs a little while back and have been dying to find the perfect frame to make my own. well, after a trip to a few garage sales and goodwill i was still empty handed and then it occurred to me... my mom had a really ugly painting of a random dog that my grammie had given her a few years back (something she had found at a garage sale) and we kept it around thinking we could use the fame one day. it was a little smaller than i had hoped for, but would work perfectly! and it was free

And here it is! all it needed was a can of white spray paint and an old cork board 
that I had left over from high school

The detail in the frame is so fun! I love how it turned out and especially because it was free!


  1. This is so cute! I love making ugly things look beautiful. I think there is real satisfaction in doing it.

  2. Love the new are so creative!

  3. This looks so Great! Stop by my blog if you can!

  4. Oh this turned out very cute! I love white! ~Ashley

  5. Very cute! I don't know why but that dog photo is just cracking me up!!!

    I have a linky party going on come on over and link up!

  6. Gorgeous frame!
    Now I have to have one, too!

  7. It looks gorgeous painted white. I'm having a giveaway today. Stop by to enter if you get a chance.
