
Monday, June 6, 2011

Beachy Inspiration

My parents just bought a new home
on the North Carolina coast so
beachy design is on my mind.
Here are some inspiration images
from Coastal Living I am loving!

Love the colors, but they aren't
too bright and over the top.
Love the brown and white
All of the bathrooms need to be
redone, I'm loving this master bath.
I love the idea of bunk rooms for
the grandkids but I'm not sure we are
going that route.
I think we are going to do a sleeping porch
with hanging beds for the grandkids,
and I love the sconces!
If only I could spend the whole
summer there, and design during
nap time... that's actually not a
bad idea!

Anyone else have some great beach
inspiration? Pass it along!


  1. Kristin! Why didn't I know you have a design blog? This is so cute! And I'm in love with that bunk bed room! Anyway, I want to follow you but the button won't show up on the right. How do I add you to my list? Do you mind if I add you to my blogroll list on my design blog? Can't wait to see pictures from your parent's beach house!

  2. I LOVE beachy design. I think it is so refreshing. I have so much brown in my house--brown end tables, brown cabinets, etc. that I just want to replace with white and accent it will light blues and greens. I love the inspiration you've thrown together.
