
Monday, September 17, 2012

Pink and Purple

In just 9 short months (ok maybe that's not THAT short)
we will be moving across the country and
hopefully buying a home.
My 3 year old, Addyson, has already told me that she wants
her new room to be pink and purple.
Of course when she first said that I thought there was no
way I would design her a pink and purple room, 
but then I stumbled across this beauty:
This bright lavender paired with coral looks a-maz-ing!
This is my inspiration for the bedroom.
Her room will probably be used as the guest room when
we have visitors so I want it to be girly and fun for her
but also welcoming for guests.

 I also found this Amy Butler fabric that I adore,
this will definitely be used in the room,
probably for pillows.

And seeing these bangles on JCrew I'm thinking
a little mint added in would be a nice touch.
What do you think? 
Can I pull of a well designed pink and purple space?!
We shall see!

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